A ready-to-use workspace. Inside closed areas such as shopping centers or in open spaces such as green areas and sports facilities. We do not offer you a standard model, but we design and build the structure around your needs. We have identified the following types just to provide you with some examples. There are no limits in size but we always recommend staying under 220/230 cm in width to be able to transport it freely.
We create every single phase internally from scratch with artisanal professionalism, from design to the final application of the graphics. Are you an operator in the sector and are you looking for someone capable of carrying out your project? We are your ideal partner!
La pensiamo e la realizziamo solo per te
We do not have a catalog with a standard price list because we combine and package a set of multiple solutions to create the display counter that best suits your needs. In the table below we list the main variants which, once chosen, will define your showcase.
Tutte le nostre vetrine possono avere:
- Sovrastruttura in vetro cristallo curvato o dritto
- Impianto a filo termico antiappannamento vetri
- Vetri riscaldati ad apertura a compasso o a sollevamento
- Segnagusti con etichette luminose
Le vetrine possono essere scelte per destinazione d’uso con temperature differenti una dall’altra e tutte regolabili mediante termostati digitali dai rispettivi quadri comandi elettronici.
La tecnologia ed i nostri materiali costruttivi permettono l’isolamento termico e la ventilazione separata da comparto a comparto, portando ad un notevole risparmio di spazio sopratutto per quei locali di metratura ridotta.
Absolute optimization of internal movement spaces thanks to the creation of customized movable modules.